Father Joseph McLaughlin
A retired priest invites you to meet new people. I would like to introduce you to . . .

Happy Easter

Peter and John Running to the Tomb

Click Image Above for the Video

Bishop John Neumann

Bishop Neumann

Josephine Bakhita

Josephine Bakhita

Vincent de Paul

Vincent de Paul

Msgr. Hugh O'Flaherty

Msgr. Hugh O'Flaherty

Thomas Merton

Dorothy Day

Dorothy Day

Dorothy Day

Nicholas von Flüe

Nicholas von Flüe

Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal

Matteo Ricci

Matteo Ricci

Edith Stein

Edith Stein

Grace and the Pope

Grace Bowen

Elizabeth Ann Seton

Elizabeth Ann Seton


We are all familiar with our Lord's description of our judgement: "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, . . ." (Matthew 25:35). But, as with all of Scripture, the more we reflect on it, the more we find in it. For example, there are all sorts of hungers, most of which we cannot simply write a check to alleviate. And there are strangers all around us; do we even see them? In my retirement I am trying to see more clearly those who have shown us the way to live Christ's mandate of love by their example.

So far, I have posted twelve reflections — those indicated in the first column. You can click on the images there or use the navigation bar toward the top of each page. I have come to know something about these individuals over the years — often as historical figures, but sometimes in person — and I am trying to learn more, and sharing that knowledge with anyone who might be interested. So, welcome! And enjoy!

"When you hold a banquet . . ."
Really ???
Ana and Victor

Aleteia, an on-line for profit publication working with Vatican offices, published an article on March, 22, 2019 about a wedding in Brazil.

Ana Paula Meriguete and Victor Ribeiro were married at a Catholic Church in Espirito Santo, Brazil on February 16, 2019, having dated for two and a half years. Both are devout Catholics.

Earlier, as they began to prepare for their wedding, Victor said that he was uncomfortable with the idea of a big wedding banquet when there was so much need around them; however, a wedding banquet seemed important to Anna Paula. The two prayed for enlightment, and then at Mass they found themselves singing:

"If you want to hold my dinner,
don't invite friends, brothers, and others.
Go out to the streets in search of those
Who cannot pay you back,
And your actions will be remembered by God."
(cf. Luke 14:12-14)

That made the decision for them. "We decided to feed those who really need it, because our family members have what they need," said the groom. "There's nothing wrong with having a wedding banquet; it's a worthy celebration, but we just couldn't do it,"

Ana Paula and Victor were married in the Catholic Church and received the congratulations of their guests at a brief reception afterwards, at which they cut the wedding cake. Five days later at the Santa Monica Social Center, they hosted the "official wedding banquet" at which the guests were children who were at risk in some way, together with their families — a total of 160 individuals.

Ana and Victor

The bride and groom intended to finance the celebration on their own, and while at first they faced resistance from their friends who did not like the idea of being left out of the celebration, gradually more and more of their friends and family wanted to help out — monetary donations and offers to work as volunteers started to pour in, some friends brought live music, anothers provided decorations, a private company provided some chairs, then a professional catering company provided the meals for free.

The experience was just the way the bride and groom had dreamed it would be. When the first families came in, people got pretty excited. The children came up and hugged the bride and groom, and so did their parents. The couple often did social work with poor and homeless people, but this was differenet — it wasn't at all like a soup kitchen, it truly was their wedding banquet.

Breaking in the Habit
Breaking in the Habit is a Franciscan ministry with a mission to evangelize and catechize in the Franciscan spirit in order to promote faith, energize communities, inspire active involvement, and encourage vocations to consecrated life.

Its YouTube Channel includes a number of challenging reflections on Catholic life and current affairs, as well as Franciscan life and humor. The following addresses the Church's recent teaching on blessings, and their use for people in irregular situations; e.g. those in same-sex relationships.

New Teaching on Marriage? No!

No new teaching on Marriage

Click Image Above for the Video

Our Salvation Is in the Interruptions

We often get frustrated when our plan for the day is interrupted. Consider the possibility that the interruption is God's plan for our day. The Good Samaritan was interrupted on his way on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho.